Friday, April 2, 2010

What Freedom of Speech Means to Me

The First Amendment to the United States Constitution provides the right of free speech or as it is commonly known "freedom of excpression," to every citizen. It holds that no legislative body, from Congress to State and locao governments, may enact a law forbidding this right. This amendment covers all forms of expression, not only verbal, but written and artistic expression as well. It even covers ideas and the right to impart these thoughts as we wish. The right to free speech is absolute however. The Constitution does not cover certain types of expression involving obscenity, child pornography, hate speech, or any speech that advocates force of voilence or civil disobedience.

I believe that this freedom is the most important freedom we have. Without this protection no person would be free at all. In essance, the government or anyone in charge could dictate what we think or how we express ourselves. Being an artist of any kind is to be someone who enjoys the ability to express themselves without fear of reprisal from the government or any critic. As long as there have been ideas to dicuss, freedom of speech was necessary in order to allow those ideas to grow. To protect this freedom is allow opposing views and sometimes ideals that are not best for society as a whole.

Although some may think that this freedom was an original idea when this country was founded, there have been others in history who held this right dear. As the Protestant Reformation was emerging in Europe, the freedom to speek new ideas had to be defended, lest Catholicism be the only Christian religion. In 1644 John Milton, a writer, made a plea for freedom of expression to Perliament when they restricted the licensing of printing presses. He said, "Give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely according to conscience, above all liberties." The freedom of expression gives birth to new ideas and neew discoveries. Without freedom of expression, this country could not have been created let alone being able to grow and thrive in the world.

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